
Aaron Winsor Lehman

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What clients say about Aaron Winsor Lehman

What clients say about Aaron Winsor Lehman

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I help clients retire without taking a pay-cut.

Talk to Aaron

Aaron Lehman - what my clients have to say about me.

I help people retire without jeopardizing the lifestyle they have become accustomed to. I accomplish this by explaining concepts to my clients about which product fits their particular situation so they can make educated decisions 

An example of why  I do what I do was something that happened early in my career.  I was meeting with a prospect about life insurance.  This gentleman had a wife and a small child.  I showed him a $100,000 policy for about $15 a month.  He wanted to spend money on his car radio however I was able to convince him to spend the money on the life insurance.  3 years later he died in a car accident.  I was able to give his wife and child $100,000 tax free.  This made me realize what I do matters. 

This also made me realize I needed to do more to help people aside from educating about finance.  I have been a board member of Family Promise of Indiana County for 6 years.  We help homeless families find stability and then can think about the next steps of their lives.  I help the families in the program understand the difference between wants and needs and how to be successful in life especially when it comes to money.

Lets schedule a time to talk.  You can make an appointment with me by calling 724-910-9883 or click here to schedule a 15 min appointment with Aaron.



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